Thursday, October 25, 2012

WHIRL AWAY by Russell Wangersky (2012) Thomas Allen Publishers, 207 pages

Wangersky's WHIRL AWAY is dark, taut, masterful. Shortlisted for the 2012 Scotiabank Giller Prize, these stories explore our frangible humanity and the ordinary complications of daily lives. Wangersky is unflinching in each narrative. And, every word matters. He has followed Hemingway's dictum to "write the truest sentence that you know" time and time again. These carefully crafted stories make me think of Richard Ford's suggestion that "literature is good for taking you back to life with an enhanced sense of life's possibility and importance."

It will be interesting to see if this year's Giller Prize jury of Roddy Doyle, Anna Porter and Gary Schteyngart will anoint this gritty collection on Tuesday evening.


Beth Hoffman said...

I've been a bit out of the book loop and was unaware of this title. But as is often the case when I visit your blog, you've sparked my interest! This one is definitely going on my list.

Buried In Print said...

Details from these stories are still lodged in my reader's brain, which is unusual weeks (and many books) later; I'm curious to see what happens next week! (BTW, discovered your site through an IFOA post: nice!)